Title..........: Metabolic and neuromuscular fatigue in healthy
women during a Wingate test
Authors........: Kokova, M., Pencheva, N., Kitanoska, D.
Institution....: South-West University
Department.....: Sports and Kinesitherapy
Country........: Bulgaria
Topic..........: Neuromuscular Physiology
Keyword I......: Kinesiological EMG
Keyword II.....: Exercise biochemistry
Keyword III....: Fatigue
Format(*)......: Oral
The reasons for the anaerobic fatigue, the power limitation
factors and the factors that could improve performance have
been studied mostly on trained subjects. Such data on untrained
subjects especially females are scarce and insufficient. The
aim of this study is to evaluate the heart rate responses,
blood lactate and glucose concentration changes, sEMG RMS
and MPF profiles of six muscles involved in cycling as factors
for the anaerobic performance and fatigue in healthy untrained
Nine women (24.0±3.4 years) performed a 30-s Wingate
cycling test (load 0.075W/kg). Lactate and glucose levels
were determined before and after the test. The sEMG activity
of the following muscles of the right lower limb : vastus
lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), semitendinosus (ST),
biceps femoris (BF), lateralis gastrocnemius (GL), and tibialis
anterior (TA) was recorded before, during, and after the test.
EMG analysis included RMS and ?%MPF determination.
The values of the calculated anaerobic parameters were: maximum
anaerobic power 2163±787 W, relative anaerobic power
5.7±1.4 W/kg, total anaerobic power 1454±466
kg-m/min and coefficient of anaerobic fatigue 55.9±16.9
%. Heart rate values (bmp) were: during warm-up - 160±24,
end of test - 170±11, and recovery - 180±15.
Lactate levels increased from 2.1±0.7 to 11.0±2.3
mmol/l, while glucose levels remained statistically unchanged
(4.5±0.9 to 4.2±0.6). RMS values (normalized)
at the beginning and at the end of the test were as follows:
VL) 1.19±0.37 and 1.25±0.52; RF) 1.28±0.19
and 1.46±0.39; ST) 1.17±0.17 and 0.99±0.34;
BF) 1.12±0.18 and 1.16±0.51; GL) 1.11±0.17
and 0.83±0.17; and TA) 0.95±0.16 and 0.96±0.34.
?%MPF values were: VL) -5.2±12.7; RF) +0.9±21.9;
SM) -7.4±4.2; BF) -12.5±11.8; GL) -3.6±10.6;
TA) +7.9±18.4 %.
The results demonstrate a low anaerobic performance of the
tested subjects. The fact that heart rate values rise significantly
after the test indicates oxygen debt which is common for anaerobic
tests (Weinstein et al., 1998). The significant change in
lactate concentration (p=0.002) clearly shows the metabolic
origin of fatigue under the tested conditions, although glucose
levels reveal a lack of exercise-induced hypoglycemia. Moreover,
no significant changes occurred in RMS and MPF (Gerdle et
al., 2000, Öberg, 1995) showing that the neuromuscular
fatigue is not a limiting factor for performance.
Gerdle B, Larsson B, Karlsson S. (2000). J Electromyogr Kinesiol,
10, 225-232.
Öberg T. (1995). J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 5 (4), 239-243.
Weinstein Y, Bediz C, Dotan R, Falk B (1998). Med Sci Sports
Exerc, 30 (9), 1456-1460.